Week 2 Recap

Dumpy (Little) Football League - Week 2 Recap and Looking Ahead

Week 2 is in the books, and it's safe to say the NFL threw us a few curveballs! Our league's picking percentage took a dive, dropping from a solid 58% in Week 1 to a humbling 22% in Week 2. The upsets and unexpected outcomes definitely had us scratching our heads.
But hey, that's the beauty of football, right? It keeps us on our toes. And remember, the law of averages suggests we're due for a bounce-back week. So let's dust ourselves off, analyze those matchups, and get ready to dominate Week 3!
Current Standings:

  • Yours truly is currently holding down the top spot.
  • Emilio, Thomas, and Hani are locked in a three-way tie for second place. It's getting tight at the top!
    Important Reminders:
  • The picking window opens at noon on Wednesday. Don't miss it!
  • The beer is coming along nicely and will be kegged soon. Cheers to that!
  • We're still figuring out the perfect spot for our mid-season meetup. Safehaus is the frontrunner, but we're open to suggestions. Thursdays seem like the best bet since there's usually a game on.
    Let's get those picks in and turn things around this week.
  • Good luck, everyone! ✌🏾